Saturday 16 April 2016

Which design-crit

Design 1.

Design 2

Design 3

Design 4

Design 5

 Design 6

When taking my designs to the crit it was suggested that some designs favoured a specific movement and do not express the other clearly. This was widely applied to that of designs 5 and 6, as they both maintain either a purely modernist or postmodern style. 

It was suggested that the concept behind design 4 was rather focused upon the modernist/postmodern concept rather than making the design awkward. It was also suggested that this deisgn appeared immature for the target audience. A factor in which I now feel is highly relevant

When asking my peers to vote upon what design they felt strongest it was suggested that designs 1 and 2 expressed the most balance between the two movements as well as effectively expressing an awkward nature. Although it was suggested that design idea 2 needed to be pushed further if I were to use it as my final piece.

It was also suggested that I should attempt to mimic some form of claustrophobia based sentiment within design idea number two, as I have previously stated that claustrophobia is an important factor in awkward design. 

As I am currently unsure whether I prefer design 1 or 2, I will explore with them further in an attempt to express the most awkward design that appeals to my target audience. 

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