Thursday 28 April 2016

Which design?

Design 1.

Clear concise and straightforward. This design embarks on the concept of segregation, a factor in which Etta personally struggled with herself. This approach is very minimal and appeals to that of  60's style clothing. Due to the minimal nature of this design I do not believe that a relationship to Etta is effectively expressed and thus this may be where the design falls short. 

 Design 2.

This comedic approach although humorous takes away from the classical song and expresses a whole new sentiment. Whether this design is picked or not will be due to the judge's sense of humour. 

 Design 3.

Following the idea of Etta's silhouette this design explores the other instruments present within her song.  A clear relationship between the two is obvious within this design. 

 Design 4.

This design explores the usage of spray paint, although it is fair to suggest that producing it through CAD limits the texture. 

 Design 5.

Another spray painted approach. The yellow clearly expresses the idea that this was Etta's form of testifying against segregation. 

 Design 6.

I really do not feel that this design is as strong as the others due to the rough monoprint being expressed upon a black background.

 Design 7.

Although I liked this design, I feel it may explore muller brockmann's style too closely.
 Design 8.

Fun and vibrant, this Cad approach explores both Etta's silhouette and iconic phrase.

 Design 9.

The pure white background on this typographical approach makes it appear dull and uninteresting.

As there will be no description to my designs if selected for the exhibition I had to think about which design appeared aesthetically strong as well as conceptually. When looking over the designs I feel it is obvious that design 6 appears messy and irrelevant and thus would not be selected as a final piece. I also believe that the Joseph Muller Brockman piece appears far too similar to that of his work, and thus appears as if I have just copied his famous style. As you are able to enter more than one design into the competition I believe that I will enter the remaining designs although I must select that of a final approach. In order to do this I have decided to ask my peers. Personally when focusing upon aesthetics my favourite design is that of the wood approach.


From the votes collected by my peers it is obvious that the wood based design was most appreciated and this I have decided to explore this as my final piece.

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