Tuesday 26 April 2016


Using my reverts I began to explore with composition, and the general design of the bank note. I decided to keep the Queen to the right within this piece as I felt that one of my designs should explore a traditional note format.

I explored with typefaces but found that of Gill Sans to be the most aesthetically pleasing as well as conceptual. I also believe that it's slick nature complies to that of bank note design most effectively. 

I then began to explore ways in which to make my bank note appear realistic, I followed my research as a guide in how to do this.

I looked at ways in which the code may be represented, with designs in which explore the typeface on a straight line appearing most formal and thus applying to that of bank note design. 

In order to develop some form of security code upon my design I explored with the usage of a code being resembled behind the protagonist. Although I believe this to be an important feature within real bank notes, as mine is an exhibition piece I do not feel it necessary. I also believe that this draws attention away from the protagonist in which this design is celebrating.

As I have conducted previous research upon the textile industry within Britain, I decided to explore the involvement of it within my design. This personally being a factor in which I believe to be unsuccessful, as it crowed the design and took attention away from the protagonist.  

As I felt the previous approaches to be overcomplicated, I reverted back to my original design in which focuses directly upon the Queen. Leaving a vast amount of negative space within this design will also allow me to explore extensively with sewing it.

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