Thursday 28 April 2016

Bilding the book

Although I developed a poster I felt it a good idea to also produce a cocktail book in order to expresses the pros and cons between the two. 

As I was previously quick to decide upon producing a leaflet I also felt it appropriate to develop a book within the same format.

To start this design I explored a minimal approach in which expresses a similar colour background. I did this in a minimalist style in order to promote the design to youths, as over complicated design does not appeal to this demographic. 

A quick approach was taken to see what the design would look like if regulated it to appear like a chalkboard. I felt this then made the design feel very old fashioned, and aimed at males, due to this I decided to revert back to my original approach.

I explored a variety of typefaces in order to express a deisgn in which I felt didn't appear masculine. From this I decided upon Helvetica bold,as I also believe that it counters out the large imagery present upon the page.

Using the same imagery as within my previous design I began to explore with composition. Expressing one cocktail upon each page, and thus following the conventions from that of cocktail book design. I explored with regular helvetica in order to ensure the ingredients were legible.

I then involved further type, and explored with composition. I enlarged the image in order to express it as the main influence upon the page. I felt that this design should appear image heavy in order to apply to that of the audience. 

I mimicked this replication upon each page in order to express a consistent format.

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