Wednesday 27 April 2016


In order to explore ways in which to make friends during university I looked at some blog forums, from this I discovered similarities in which are expressed below. One of the most common being that of going out and socialising.

  • Make the effort! If you are seen to be making an effort to be friends they will respond better.
  • Try and make as many non-course friends as possible, you will have many years to talk to these people, but only a year to make friends with the people in your halls or on your corridor.
  • Try and stay in the communal areas as much as possible, if you go for a drink or a snack to eat then stay in the communal area, it gives you a chance to chat with people you live around.
  • As above only with dinner, don’t eat alone in your room, try and arrange it so your eating with people, or even better cooking with people – it’s a great way to socialise! If you are catered then arrange for you all to go down to dinner as a corridor.
  • Join a few clubs or activities, this one especially applies if you aren’t really a clubbing/pubbing type person. It gives you a chance to meet people in different kinds of situation.
  • Breaking the ice in your first week can be done by buying people a round, or taking up a crate of beer or wine, students tend to come running when something free is on offer.
  • Even if you don’t drink, still go out and have a good time, there is always Coca Cola and Red Bull on offer to give you a caffeine boost.
  • Take up some popular DVDs people might like to watch whenever you don’t fancy going out for the evening.
  • Taking sport equipment like Frisbees and Footballs. They are another good way to meet people, ask your flat mates if they want to go outside and play a game with you.
  • Chat to people in queues, they are a great way to make friends! Try and get into as many as possible in Freshers week and start talking to everyone.
  • Always remain a positive and happy person, people don’t like a moaner.
  • Keep your door open when you are in your room, even while you are working.
  • Don’t get too locked in with one crowd, you may fall out with them or them with you.
  • Don’t be disheartened if everyone seems to arrive at university in a relationship, over half of them will probably be over within the first few weeks!
  • Go to your hall and department socials, they are a good place to meet new people.
  • Above all talk to people and don’t stay in your room watching your TV

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