Tuesday 26 April 2016


When asking what designs appear strongest it was suggested that the sewed approach has far more potential to be pushed further than that of the other designs, it was also suggested that this approach would work effectively with traditional printing methods in order to construct concept.

The spray paint approaches were condemned stating that although they maintained concept they would not be able to be produced alongside that of traditional print methods effectively. It was also suggested that spray paint is more effective upon a large scale and thus intricate small designs would be difficult to produce in this medium.

The designs in which express a scalpel approach were suggested to be effective but to maintain no real relevance. It was also suggested that the process in which they were developed may not coincide well with screen printing or letterpress as they are both powerful printing methods, and thus the design may become too overcomplicated.

As I was unsure what process to follow further, as I did particularly like the scalpel approach, I decided to conduct a vote. The results are expressed below:

Spray paint:0
Scalpel: 5

From these results I feel it is fair to suggest that I will take the sewn approaches further. When asking one of my peers about what my next action should be she suggested that I should explore with a variation of sewing methods, and materials in order to correlate designs in which will effectively coincide with traditional printing methods.

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