Monday 25 April 2016

Introduction wall mock ups

Following my sketches closely I began to explore ideas visually. I did this in order to express my concept in a much stronger format. In the feedback Simon also suggested that he would like to see more visual components and thus I attempted to tackle this. 

I firstly began by displaying the exhibition title alongside a sample introduction. I felt that the light grey in which had been used within my previous texts appeared very weak when not in a 3d format. I also felt that as this approach explored a larger amount of text a darker colour should be used in order to promote legibility. 

Following that of a formal layout I explored flush left. I decided to express both Sevespool and Helvetica as I felt that they both promoted the exhibition feel. As Sevespool is somewhat illegible in body copy I decided to limit it to the title, using the clean and clear Helvetica for body copy. As the text is minimal I didn't feel the need to explore with serifs typefaces. 

Compositions were then explored In order to express professionalism.

I decided upon this design as my final composition as I felt that it was most effective at express the text in an interesting format. 

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