Thursday 28 April 2016

Research into cocktails

In order to gather the most simplistic recipes for cocktails I researched multiple websites looking in detail at the the ones in which were easiest follow. I decided it was important to do this as the information within the poster had to be short and fast in order to maintain the consumers attention. 

After looking though multiple websites, I began to develop a list of cocktails and their ingredients. I also attempted to use some of the most famous cocktail names in order to develop a past relationship with the consumer. The cocktails in which i decided to select were that of Blue Lagoon, Mojito, Pina Colada, Woo Woo, Singapore Sling, and Vodka sunset. I decided upon the usage of 6 cocktails in order to promote the idea of trying one cocktail every month for the first year. This then ensuring that the consumer doesn't drink too much. 

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