Thursday 28 April 2016

Research into cocktail books

As there are multiple cocktails available to the consumer market I decided to look closely at designs already available. 

The above approach explores the format of a poster. Although not stating what is in each drink it expresses a clear reference to that of the names, thus it is easy to conclude that the design would be to promote cocktails within a bar environment rather than to inform.

This typeographical approach explores the ingredients within the glasses design. Not only is this informative but it also expresses the information within a relevant lively format. The usage of colour helps to clearly define each image, with each ingredient also maintaining a different hue in order to promote legibility.  

This largely minimal approach focuses upon strict, straight edged illustrations. Cad approaches are relevant and reveal information quickly, thus I will explore with this within my own designs. I also believe that vectorised images also appeal much more to that of a younger demographic.

Unlike that of other approaches this design explores the alcohol within a pie chart format. This then allowing the consumer to realise the extent in which they are drinking, making sure they don't out do themselves. The colour scheme used is dull and uninteresting, thus as my design is targeted at a younger demographic I believe an intresting colour palette should formulated.

 This layered approach is fun and involves a design style in which would interest the consumer. 

The above design explores a simple approach to that of cocktail design. Minimal shapes are layered upon one another in order to format an intricate design style.

This design style is probably one of my favourites as the sharp shape in contrast to that of the liquid expresses a design piece in which is relevant and interesting. I also like the way in which the ice cubes have been represented as I feel it appears much more stylised than that of a block colour.

An illustrative style, this design explores quirky relevant designs in which explores drink bottles in a rustic style. Personally, I believe that this form of illustration appeals more widely to men.

This highly vectored image expressed the alcohol content in two formats, one within the drink and the other within a pie chart. I believe doing this is highly relevant as it clearly allows the consumer the option to look into how much alcohol they are drinking.

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