Monday 25 April 2016

My final products/evaluation

The above images express the final aesthetics in which I have chosen to be part of the design. I feel that the way in which I approach the designs changed dramatically after that of the feedback session in which it was suggested that we tone the theme down and focus upon informing the consumer rather than expressing more art. Rather than decorating the exhibit I then focused upon ways in which to not distract from the artwork, but effectively inform them about the exhibition.

A basic grey colour scheme was used in order to follow that of the stock market theme and to also ensure that it didn't distract from the design work.

Aspects in which I found difficult within this task were to explore ways in which I could visually communicate my ideas, as I feel my knowledge of photoshop is limited. I also believe that this is evident through my approach in which expresses the air con. I also believe that a target audience should have been constructed sooner as my designs at the beginning don't feel informed.

Overall, I believe that my deliverables are strong from what little knowledge I had previously surrounding exhibition design.

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