Thursday 28 April 2016

Initial drawings

From my research I began to explore some initial thumbnails in which express different ways in which the poster may be formed. Some of these ideas are expressed below.

Idea one. My first idea explores the sentiment of a large cocktail glass in which may be folded numerous times, with each fold express a new cocktail.The design could then be pulled straight in order to express the idea of  normal poster.

Idea 2. I liked the idea of exploring extensively with poster formating, following my research closely I looked at the idea of displaying multiple cocktails within one poster. I believe that this approach would be a lot more effective than multiple mini posters in which would take up a vast amount of space. 

Ideas 3. This idea explores a strict format in which expresses the amount of calories and units in each drink.

Idea 4.Like that of sweet packets in which use the sentance 'to share' in order to not be faulted for obesity, this deisgn explores a cocktails with friends approach, thus ensuring that the consumer does not drink too much.

Ideas 5. A messy illustative style in which explores 'tipsy' illustrations. 


When asking my peers about how to involve these designs further they suggested that I should focus upon the illustrations themselves first rather than composition, as I am likely to gather a greater understanding once I am knowledgeable about how the designs will appear.  Although they did suggest that the approach in which expressed a large glass as well as the miniatures alongside one another were relatively strong. One of my peers suggested that the approaches in which contained multiple cocktails would be most effective as they express different taste palettes, and thus catered to a larger audience. 

During the following design stage I will explore with illustrations, which I will then place within one of the above compositions. 

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