Thursday 28 April 2016

Photographical approach

As I did not have time to take my own photographs of cocktails, I decided to explore with images off the internet, in which I would credit within my final design. I did this in order to explore with as many options as possible.

Orignal image 

Taking the original image I then removed the background so that I would be able to edit the picture into a more suiting format as I felt that the black was a never male dominate colour. 

I explored with varying the colour of the cocktails developing a more subtle hue, this then complying to design styles liked by women. I also involved a pink background in order to express gender stereotypes further.

I personally do not like this approach as I feel that it appears tacky, a factor in which does not sell. I also  believe that it would be unfair to use someone else's imagery rather than my own. 

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