Thursday 28 April 2016

End of Module Evaluation

I believe that this module has really allowed myself to explore multiple deisgn options and facilities within the university. First of all I have experimented with screenprint at both Veron street and Blenhiem. I have also undergone letterpress, another traditional print method in which I have not used previously. I now have a greater knowledge upon the two printing methods and feel confident using them independently. I would also like to state that staff at both studios are extremely helpful and are willing to resolve any problem in which you may be facing.

For me I probably think that the most difficult brief was that of the group collaboration as I had to wait on other people to finish their pieces and to meet for discussions, rather than developing the design individually myself. Although completing this brief has allowed me the chance to work within a group environment, and to also present as a group. A feature in which I perceive to be helpful within my future career. As I still get somewhat nervous before presentations, this is an area in which I would like to tackle further within second year, by pushing myself to present work individually back to the class.

When thinking to which brief I enjoyed most I would suggest that of secret 7, as I felt this to be a turning point within my design, as I began to focus largely on concept rather than that of aesthetics. I also explored a range of processes which again I had not used prior to this course. I also went out and developed methods such as spray painting, myself. This definitely shows how far I have come within the past year as within my college course my work was highly vectorised.

I believe a similar approach to this was taken with the money brief, as I decided to sew into the design. As my sewing skills are very poor I wanted to push myself into a design skill that I had previously little knowledge upon. Although the final results were not fantastic, I am extremely pleased that I completed this method and didn't give up. I believe this is a factor in which university has caught me.

My workload towards the end of this year has been extremely busy with at one point 7 briefs being in place at once. I feel this is very different from my college course as we only had two briefs within the whole year. But although stressful I believe that the amount of work set is in order to help develop myself as a designer, as within jobs I must be able to balance briefs and meet deadlines.

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