Monday 25 April 2016

Feedback wall mock ups

Primarily using Sevespool as the main typeface I began to explore with text amongst the design. I felt that to keep consistency with the other areas of the exhibit I must use the same formatting/colour of text. Grey was also used in order to ensure that the design will not distract from the work.

As I have rarely created mock ups previously I found it difficult developing approaches in which appear realistic. The above design explores my first attempt at expressing the feedback wall. 

In order to explore other options I explored with Helevtica. As this typeface has also extensively been used by our group I felt this to be an important factor. The amount of clipboards was explored with in order to ensure that the composition worked well in the restricted format. 

I also decided to use black clip boards as I felt that they appeared to coincide with the stock market theme much more effectively. 

Although the above mock up is not a realsitic interpretation of the feedback wall it clearly resembles the  basic structure of the wall and how it will be formatted. As the air con is currently white the design will have to be painted, a factor in which I will consider further if our team is picked. 

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