Tuesday 26 April 2016

Initial drawings-money

Following my research I began to develop numerous thumbnails looking at a variation of concepts. As within the brief it was stated that the designs had to be developed using traditional printing methods I thought about the different methods in which I could use:screenprint, monoprint,letterpress,etching,linoprint etc. I also thought about other methods that may be combined with the traditional print in order to make my piece stand out, for example spray paint. 

I explored a range of approaches, developing banknotes for different reasonings. I explored an international bank note in which may be expressed across the world, as well as a traditional British note and also that of Victorian money (that may be used with places such as Bliss Hill aka Victorian towns). I found that the british bank notes appealed to me much more widely than that of the others, primarily due to the research in which is expressed throughout them. As my current knowledge on British banknotes is far more evolved than that of my others, I believe that this will direct my outcome as I attempt to develop a strong conceptual piece. 

Designs in which appear strongest include that of the London skyline, the individual 50 pounds, designs in which idolise the queen and designs in which focus upon the value of the money. As this design will be developed as part of an exhibition piece I am able to be ambiguious with my designs and concepts, rather than be restricted with practicalities. Within the following design stage I will attempt to develop further drawings focusing upon key designs in which have appealed to myself within the thumbnails. 

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