Tuesday 26 April 2016

Other mediums

Thinking of ways in which other mediums may be used I developed some rough sketches focusing upon how they may coincide alongside traditional printing methods. I used my previous concepts in order to aid me with this. 

Idea one

This approach explores the celebration of the transition from cloth to polymer notes. The Queen will be sewed into paper whereby the traditional printing method of letter press is then involved within the design in order to express traditional printing methods. 

Idea 2

The second approach explores the idea of laser cut/scalping whereby the queens silhouette is cut and layered, this resembling the relationship in which she has built, layer by layer, with our country. 

Idea 3 

Idea 3 explores the idea of spray painting, as the 50 landscape would be spray painted. Traditional printing methods may be involved through a screen printed background or letterpress. 


Idea 4 again explores spray paint with etching marks being made into the design, embedding the queen within the design and british culture. 

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