Thursday 28 April 2016

Target audience

As within this brief the aim is to inform that of freshers I believe it is fair to suggest that the intended demographic is that of 18-21 years, accounting for students in which may have been involved within foundation years etc. As my design is a cocktail book, I conducted research into which sex prefers the alcoholic beverage in which I discovered females are more likely to consume a cocktail and thus I have decided to focus directly upon this demographic within my design.

When looking at the posters displayed within our flat I felt an obvious correlation to club nights and events a component in which I believe to embed my idea of a cocktail book further. As although university is about education it is a common fact that excessive binge drinking is partaken within freshers week, although I do not want to promote drinking excessively within my design, I do personally wish I had gone to more events with my peers, and thus this is where my concept is embedded. 

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