Thursday 28 April 2016

Cad illustations

Following the idea of the tipsy drinker I began to think about ways in which this design may be expressed through colour. 

My first step with creating this piece was to express the outline, I did this by tracing the images I had scanned in previously. I felt that this was much easier than developing an approach free-hand on CAD as the design can often go off track. 

After doing this I then traced the inside of the glass in order to communicate the liquid present within. I attempted to firstly overlap the colour with the design but felt that this did not effectively communicate the style in which I wanted to mimic.

Due to this I then decided to place the colour behind the glass shape in order to promote the glasses shape further, thus communicating that this design was built from the structure of a cocktail. 

I manipulated the shapes movement outside of the glass in order to express the sentiment of being tipsy. I also did this as this illustrative approach is uncommon and thus would more likely gather the consumers attention. 

As I felt the design lacked a certain aspect I explored with the usage of a straw, a component in which I personally felt added contexuality to the design, and thus allowed it to appear within a cocktail format. 

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