Tuesday 26 April 2016


During the crit I asked my peers about which sewed approach they found the strongest, in which they responded that the approaches in which mimic the background of the design appear most lively and thus in turn aesthetically pleasing. Although they suggest that  a more introcut design should be developed for the silhouette in order to engage the consumer further. 

When asking about the acetate overlay approach they suggested that the idea behind it worked well, although the abstract approach depicted the Queen in an unflattering format. They suggested that the approach should be explored further, although the real screen print should be derived first as I am currently imagining what the design will appear like.

When asking what approach I should focus upon there was no real divide between that of the acetate and paper approaches, and therefore I will explore both further once I have developed my screenprinting. 

From this crit I have gathered relatively positive feedback, and feel that I know the next deisgn move, which is to develop the negatives for the screenprint. I will look closely at iconic portraits of the Queen in order to complete this move. 

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