Thursday 28 April 2016

Poster design more research/drawings

Cocktail posters were again looked closely at in order to gather a greater stance upon composition. As I now have a stronger knowledge upon how my illustrations are going to appear, I believe that I know have a stronger idea than within my previous sketches.

This design explores a minimal approach that centralises the middle of the page. As flush left is often associated with formal documents I believe that centred text and imagery counteracts this and thus appears more friendly. As the text will be minimal within my design legibility is not a factor in which I must worry about when thinking about typesetting.

This design again explores a central approach although the image itself is spread over the page rather than combined within negative space. This then expresses a larger impact amongst the design. When developing a composition this may be a route in which I will explore. 

This design explores multiple cocktails within one design. I believe that as I have gone to the effort to develop 6 cocktail illustrations I may aswell involve the entirety of designs within my approach. I will explore with sketching before getting ahead of myself within the design process.  

Looking closely at my research I began to explore compositions. As I wanted my designs to appear impactive yet formative I thought largely about legibility and whereby the title should be placed. I also thought about the relevant information and how I was going to express it effectively. Using these designs as my guide I will explore with compositions using CAD.

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