Tuesday 26 April 2016

Second drawings money &crit

From my thumbnails I began to explore further ideas focusing upon concept. I thought about the amount of people in which come into contact with banknotes and thought about the idea of an ever lasting finger print. As Britain is known as a country in which embraces other cultures I also explored the idea of translating the banknote into multiple languages in order to promote this. As the Queen is a key figure within Britain I also expressed designs in which focus primarily upon her. I thought about 2016 being her 90th birthday as well as the bank notes changing from cloth to polymer, two factors in which may be celebrated within a design. I also thought about embedding British artwork within the banknotes in order to suggest a form of british culture in which is often neglected within bank note design. As representations of London are prominently expressed within British culture I also explored designs in which focus upon capturing this. 

When taking my designs to the crit I gained a variation of approaches with the Queen being an aspect in which was highlighted as a strong conceptual idea. The fingerprint design was also commented upon as it expresses an idea in which isn't really thought about by the general public. It was suggested that the idea of the british artwork may be focused too much on the work of others, as this exhibition is focused upon producing individual pieces in order to display print methods in which we have learnt this year. During the following design stage I will explore with these ideas further and begin to produce some work correlating to them. 

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