Thursday 28 April 2016

Layout ideas

My initial samples involved that of Helvetica as I believe it expresses no gender. Unlike that of other typefaces the minimal nature of Helvetica, as well as its frequent use allows it to be applied equal to projects by the same sex.  

This approaches expresses no grid and thus allows the design to appear free from boundaries, a factor in which I believe to appeal to that of a younger demographic. As the design approach is relatively relaxed I believe that this composition also expresses this and thus continuity is developed between the two.

This restricted format only explores four of the cocktails in which I developed, a factor in which I would alter if taking this deisgn further, as the more cocktails the more interested the consumer. The heading is lost behind the scale of the cocktails, a factor in which I believe is poor design. I also feel that the underlying type is too large compared to that of the illustration and thus takes away the key selling point of the design.

This approach explores the usage of two cocktails amongst one poster. If this design was chosen I would produce multiple posters in order to express the selected cocktails. One factor in which really stands out within this design is the usage of a highlighted heading, a factor in which I believe allows the title to stand its own amongst the busy design. 

Although presented within a grid structure I believe that this approach does not feel restricted due to the uneven nature of the illustrations. The way in which the information is presented is legible and easy to navigate, factors in which I feel important. 

When deciding upon a format in which to follow further, I decided upon that of idea 3. As although formal I believe that structure expressed conveys well to that of informative design. The general aesthetic is clear and easy to navigate. Although stating this I believe that a different typeface should be used for the title in order to promote femininity. I may also explore with a highlighted approach in order to raise the title above my design.

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