Friday 29 April 2016

Final deliverables from group

Natasha looked extensively at promotion towards the exhibition, using the logo in which I created and also Nicky's poster she developed a well structured, professional attempt at marketing. A press pack was also developed in an attempt to target the corrected demographic for the exhibition. 

Katie focused largely upon the way finding and how easy the exhbition was to guide. She looked at the development of a way finding map, along with vinyl floor pieces which would guide the consumer around the exhibition. The colour scheme followed is a positive approach upon that of the stock market.

Alex focused upon the covering of the air-con, a factor in which I believe we were misscomunicated about as we both developed a piece. As I felt my graphics was limited at constructing the idea I am glad that Alex also did so, so that we had a strong final piece.

All together I believe that each of our individual designs maintain consistency due to the typeface used. I feel that this is also a factor in which is expressed throughout the colour scheme. The general style of the exhibition is the same, a factor in which I found difficult as this design style is not one in which I am interested, although I am glad I have had the opportunity to explore this approach.

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