Monday 25 April 2016

text mock ups

I decided to develop some mock ups of ways in which text may be expressed upon a welcoming wall within the exhibition. This wall will express the exhibitions name and will build onto the introduction wall. 

I began by exploring the groups typefaces of Sevestapool and Helvetica, two types in which contrast widely against one another. In order to promote legibility I attempted to merge the two types, a factor in which I felt to be extremely difficult. I then attempted to us the two types alongside one another in the same situation. The contrast between the two types was far too differing and thus the design began to appear over complicated, as a result I explored with Sevestapool purely in capitals. In this format Sevestapool appears far more legible, and when positioned at the right scale would be a hard hitting impactive type. 

Type was then explored within a 3D format. Again following tutorials I built up the above designs, this now being a skill in which I have learnt through this project. A grey colour pallet was explored as previously Simion had suggested that the aesthetics of the exhibition had taken away from the artwork, this being a factor in which i want to stay away from. 

As the previous designs although 3D didn't stand out I explored the usage of an extra layer, a factor in which I personally feel lift the design from the background. 

In production this design would be developed using individual plastic letterforms in which manually have to be expressed upon the wall.

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