Thursday 28 April 2016

Developing the illustrations

Blue Lagoon

As I decided upon my 'tipsy' drawings I began to develop further illustrations focusing upon the different forms of cocktails I discovered within my research. The above design explores the shape of a flute glass.

As the glass itself isn't decorative, I decided to explore with the usage of other accessories such as ice cubes and a straw. Although not excessive I felt that this design needed some extra components in order to make it as visually pleasing as that of my other designs. I decided upon using the silhouette of the ice cubes rather than filling them in, as this appears more stylised, and thus targets the consumer more effectively. 

Colour was explored with extensively, with the outcome being that lighter variations would appeal more to a female demographic.

Singapore sling

Again the colour scheme was explored, with the pastel colour complying to that of the research in which I underwent surrounding design traits in which appeal to females.

As this glass shape was also relatively dull, I decided to involve an ice cube aspect. This in turn making the design more intricate and more appealing to the consumer.

Woo Woo

Similar to that of my previous, these designs follow a similar format whereby colour and the usage of extra accessories have been explored in order to develop a design in which appeals to that of the consumer market. As the point of the cocktails is that people want to drink them, I have explored with a colour palette in which embeds this. 


When deciding upon these two designs I thought about the effects of colour and which would appeal more to a female demographic. From this I decided upon the lighter colour palette.

Pina Colada

An extensive exploration was undergone surrounding colour, whereby a variation of tones were explored. I found the darker colour didn't appeal to me whereas the brighter colours were much more impactive.

In order to break up the vastly yellow design, I explored the usage of a cherry. This then making the design appear much funner. It also expresses other components in which you may add to the drink if you feel necessary.

The colour palettes used were from that of Pantones summer 2012 range, this embedding a feeling of summer towards the designs. As it is psychologically proven that people are happier in summer, I believe that this is a good way in which to inform my design, making it more vibrant and allowing it to appear more widely to the consumer.

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