Thursday 28 April 2016

First illustration ideas

Following a similar illustrative style to that of one of my influences I began to explore with the idea of a 'splash of colour, for a splash of taste'. This approach firstly involved myself using my previous sketches to enable myself an basis of the glasses. From this I then began to explore with the splash of colour approach, I did this by overlapping the design with that of a coloured shape depending upon the drink. 

When showing my peers this design they stated that it didn't really resemble that of a cocktail and just appeared as if painted had been splashed upon a glass. In order to involve this design they suggested that I should change of opacity of the shape, as well as including other key factors such as ice within my illustration. 

Following advice given within the crit I began to explore ways in which to make my designs appear more realistic. From this I developed ice cube imagery as well as altering the opacity. From completing this action I believe that the designs now appear more realistic as if they may actually be used to promote cocktails. During the following stages i will explore further with imagery and attempt to complete other design styles. 

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