Thursday 28 April 2016

2nd approach

Again following my research I began to explore with the rough iddilic style. I developed some initial sketches focusing upon a rugged exterior, a factor in which I felt important in clearly representing this imagery. In order to make the illustrations more interesting I also explored with extra materials such as ice. Within this approach I didn't involve colour a factor in which I felt would work most effectively when using CAD.

Following my sketches I began an approach using a 1 point pen on illustrator, a factor in which I personally felt too thick. I was also unsure whether I liked this approach as I felt the style was much harder to mimic using a computer mouse. When discussing this with my peer, she suggested that I should use a graphics tablet, as it is virtually drawing onto the computer. The below design explores my illustrations after completing this action.

When using the graphics tablet I found the design much easier to sketch as it was the virtual approach of drawing. Unlike the previous design I focused upon not making the design style too wild and attempted to focus upon a restricted format. I also decided to involve ice cubes as I felt that they apply the design to real life. Block colour was explored instead of a sketched approach in order to communicate the drink as realistic, I felt this was an important component as the consumer must want to drink the design.

With this design idea in mind I will explore further illustration styles.

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