Thursday 28 April 2016

Poster or book?

Although I do really like the book design and feel it maintains aspects in which would persuade the consumer to keep the it, I do not believe that the design would be used, as it would be stored away and lost. As the designs are also within a book format I would suggest that it may appear daunting, whereas the poster on the other hand appear simplistic and easy to use. The information presented is fast, with no 'waffle' text, and thus I believe this approach is more suiting to students.

When asking my peers about which design they prefer it was stated that the book idea explored that of a traditional approach, a factor in which does not always apply to that of a younger audience. Whereas the poster design is quick and innovative. The design is also somewhat pretty and thus may even be used for decorative purposes. Due to this I have decided to use the poster as my final piece.

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