Monday 25 April 2016

Air con

As there is currently an unused able air conditioning ventilator within the middle of the room I felt that it would be important to disguise it as otherwise it takes away from that of the designs, with the group we discussed possible ways in which it may be covered. These are listed below:

-with type
-as part of an introduction wall
-feedback wall
-with artwork

From this list we decided that the most effective outcome would be that of a feedback wall as it would allow us to gather feedback surrounding our work. As a result I conducted some secondary research into feedback walls.

Looking at feedback walls I found that approaches can completely differ comparing upon the themes present within the exhibition. I found that the clip approach was highly successful and that maybe within my design I could explore some form of clipboard approach in order to express the traditional stock market. I also like the idea of using sticky notes as i feel that these are also features found within a  stock market. During the following stages I will explore with imagery and attempt to build a mock up of the design.

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