Tuesday 26 April 2016

Sewing variations

From my first attempt at sewing the design I began to explore different stitches and colours. As I wanted my design to follow a patriotic format I decided upon the colour scheme of red, white and blue. I found that the longer the stitch the more unrealistic and harsh the design appeared, and thus I decided that short stitches would be best. I also found that the paper became crinkled when sewn into, this would be a factor in which I which I should definitely consider if I am to develop my final piece within this format. 

As within my feedback it was suggested to explore different materials I decided to experiment with a plastic material. This material being about half the thickness of acetate made it easy to sew, although I found that the paper often teared and thus distorted the image. As I wanted to express a completely different idea to that expressed previously I decided upon an approach in which played with the Queens face and suggested a more abstract style. I really liked this approach although I felt that the abstract approach made the queen become somewhat unrecognisable and also portrays her in a more stubborn manner. I will ask for feedback within the crit surrounding how i may take this design further.  

As I had previously focused upon sewing the Queens features I decided to look at a completely different approach in which focused upon the sewing of the background. This would then leave me the Queen to screen print. I felt that this effect was highly successfully and made the Queen the main centre of attention. Limitations of this method is that the sewed approaches take a long time to develop and thus after the method of screen printing the final outcome would have taken approximately 10 hours to develop. 

I then began a similar approach in which explores the Queen in a circular format, in order to highlight her as the centre of attention. The stitches were somewhat loose within this design, a factor in which I should ensure doesn't occur upon my final design. 

Although i like the approaches in which focus upon the background design, I am unsure which appear most effective and how much of my actual design needs to be screen printed and thus I will ask for feedback during the crit. 

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