Thursday 7 April 2016

devils bridge illustations

Again like with previous designs I decided that the location was far more important than that of the protagonist and thus began to look further into the location of Devil's bridge. 

From my research I began to develop some imagery surrounding that of the location, looking closely at the bridge itself and a nearby waterfall. When rereading the tale I decided that the bridge was prominent over that of other locational aspects and thus decided to focus more directly upon this. 

After completing my illustrations I then again asked my peers about what design was strongest, the design in which gathered the strongest feedback was that of the first, and due to this I decided to produce it using C.A.D. I felt that it was important to gather feedback from my peers as they are the same age as the mode target audience, and thus their input is important. 

After constructing my illustration in the same style as that developed previously, I decided to explore the colour palette. In order to follow that of the mythological colour scheme already derived I decided that the more subdue approaches should be used. From this I decided that the 8th design maintained the most similar palette to that of the previous illustrations, without complying to their format completely. The colour scheme for this deisgn is purposely slightly more vibrant to that of the previous due to the natures less drastic atmosphere.

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