Sunday 24 April 2016

Looking at how others have interpreted the brief

To ensure that the group were on the right path we decided to show each other our work so far, as my ideas were mainly conceptual based I decided upon a restricted layout in which to discuss with them. My idea being that as you enter the exhibition some form of projection will express the exhibition aims. The consumer is then lead into the main room whereby the artworks are displayed upon a reflective material, and each participates name and url is depicted below. Wires are also exposed within the ceiling in order to further embed the idea of a 70's future.

When asking my peers about what they thought of this idea they suggested that the reflective walls may take away from the design work and distract the consumer. Although they suggested that a project/timeline would be an effective method to use. They also liked the exposing of wires.

Social Networking by Nat

Wayfinding by Katie

Poster design by Nicky

When viewing each group member's design I felt that mine lacked connection to the typeface, a main influence within the design. This being a factor in which I will attempt to explore further.

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