Friday 1 April 2016

Target audience

In order to gather a more directed approach towards the book I decided to think specifically about the target audience, and who the book will be marketed for. As most mythology books are targeted at an older audience they often maintain traditional illustrations in which do not allow their designs to stand out against one another. Characters are also imitated, a factor in which I feel takes away each individual's perspective of the characters appearance.  

As I want to attempt to break the boundaries of genre and push mythology into mainstream book sales, I decided to explore an approach in which targets a completely different audience, that of 15-25 year olds. One of my main reasonings behind this is that I am myself very interested in mythology and folklore, and do not feel that there is appropriate books designed for my generation. 

As I am focusing primarily on Welsh mythology, due to its niche aspect and my largely welsh heritage, I feel that nationality plays a large role within the target audience. As Welsh people are known to be very patriotic and interested within their countries past, I definitely feel that the welsh population would be the primary audience for this design. With the secondary and tertiary being that of other countries within the U.K.

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