Monday 4 April 2016

Book binding methods

When discussing the methods of book binding single sheets with Danny, he suggested the usage of industrial clips/a Japanese fold. When looking at the two methods, I feel that the Japanese fold could be used more effectively to suggest the historic past of Wales and to also further embed a nationalist context. Whereas the industrial clips would be used for more dust rial style pieces.

In order to gather a greater insight into forms of Japanese binds I conducted some research into bonds I personally felt emphasised a Celtic nature. Although I could find any Celtic specific binds, I gathered a greater insight into the vast variety of bonds present and that you can literally bind any pattern you want. 

I began to think about Celtic symbols and patterns and how they may be used to construct a books binding. 

Following these illustrations I then began to explore with ways in which to express a Celtic bind. 

 From experimenting with my own binds, I found that binds in which did not wrap around the spine felt very weak. Due to this when I develop my finalised bind I will follow a more structured approach. 

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