Tuesday 1 November 2016

generic book cover research

Following a torn approach, this design explores image through type. The design itself is simple, although effective. The book is white, a factor in which would mean the book would be easily dirty. 

Collage has been used in this instance in order to multiple personalities/emotions. Drawn imagery has been used alongside photography in order to develop this photomontage piece. 

The hand written type effect upon this front cover is one that I believe to be extremely effective and may explore within my own design. The bright text creates a juxtaposition between the black and white photography, and element in which works extremely well.

This illustrative approach creates a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in which engages the audience. The hand written type appears personal, again a factor in which engages the audience. 

The methods used within this piece create a juxtaposition in which appears highly interesting. This approach also explores a design in which appears personal, and thus I would suggest that this book focuses upon opinions.  0

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