Friday 25 November 2016


As there were uncertainties surrounding which book design to take further, a critique was developed showcasing the two best designs. From this feedback was given, this being expressed below.

The first design exhibited some factors in which would not be suitable for the front cover, an example of this being scalpel marks, and thus if this design is selected it is important that these are resolved digitally. It was also stated that the mock up text should follow that of a central position. 

When discussing the second design with my peers it became widely apparent that certain factors are not as clear as the previous design, an example being legibility. One other comment in which frequently arose was that you are initially drawn to the blood and not with the text, causing a battle between the blood and type for hierarchy. It was expressed that the typography should also express the hierarchy as it is the most relevant information. 

From the feedback received it has been decided that the initial approach is most effective, and that a sleeve must be made in a similar approach. 

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