Friday 25 November 2016


When asking for feedback there were specific areas of the design in which lacked and thus questions were asked within the critique. These are expressed below:

How can these designs appear different from that of others?

  • Contact penguin in order to ask whether you would be able to send a real copy of the book.
  • Explore with mediums
  • Attempt to letterpress? Deboss?
  • Explore with inks and watercolours?
  • Think about ways in which type may appear invisible-collage?
  • Develop something in which links to your personal style. 

Which concept do you believe is best?

From asking this question a large range of feedback was gathered in which focused upon the invisible type approach being that of the better design. This being due to the multiple mediums in which may be used when expressing the design. As a result of this a hand developed approach will be expressed in order to develop something in which is unique to my style. 

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