Friday 11 November 2016

Responsive-Issues with competitions

Often there are issues with student competitions as it is frequently implied that certain comeptitions do not offer a valid price/exposure for work. An example of this being that one of the awards for the D&AD briefs is that of a pencil in which the winners themselves have to pay over £300 to claim. Although some competitions appear un-ethical, there are multiple in which are fair, such as the penguin books brief.

A first, second and third-prize winner will be selected for each category.

The 1st Prize winner will be invited to spend four weeks in the Penguin Random House Design Studio, on a work placement, working on live briefs. The work placement will be paid at a rate of 50 GBP a day (subject to any applicable taxation) and the winner will also receive a cash prize of 1,000 GBP.

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