Monday 21 November 2016

Whats in your wallet?

As an exercise and a form of research, multiple students wallets were studied and analysed, with the contexts being listed. From this a greater perception may be found of what the demographic actually carry around on a day to day basis.


-Provisional license 
-Train tickets 




-Provisional License 

-Driving License 

From completing this research it is evident that bank cards and identification are collectively carried upon a daily basis, ID being specific with a younger audience as they are more likely to be asked for their ID. It also became apparent to myself that other components in which the consumers carried can be expressed through an app, some examples of this include:

-The train line app offering a virtual ticket
-And stores often offering an online solution to clubcards

One component in which became apparent was that of receipts and their placement after purchase if wallets were no longer the 'norm'. Although the cashier often places the receipt in bag of purchase, an online solution may be made to store these receipts, especially as they are often lost. This may be discussed further within my workings, as it may be a factor in which will include my app.

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