Monday 7 November 2016

environmental footprint

As I would like to consider myself an environment conscious designer it is important that the environment is considered within my current design. This also applies as my current work may be explored within my future portfolio and thus I want to project my ethics to my future employer. 

Due to this it has been decided to explore the environmental cost of this book and how it may be made more Eco-friendly on a mass scale. 

Grey board-Grey board is a 100% post-consumer waste content recycled paper, and thus its impact on the environment is very little.

Book cloth-"Cotton is the most pesticide intensive crop in the world: these pesticides injure and kill many people every year. It also takes up a large proportion of agricultural land, much of which is needed by local people to grow their own food. Herbicides, and also the chemical defoliants which are sometimes used to aid mechanical cotton harvesting, add to the toll on both the environment and human health. These chemicals typically remain in the fabric after finishing, and are released during the lifetime of the garments. The development of genetically modified cotton adds environmental problems at another level."- *, N. (2000) Environmental impacts of clothing. Available at: (Accessed: 7 November 2016).


The main environmental impacts from glues are the:

  • solvent and gas emissions derived from the production and curing process 
  • biodegradability of the disposed product 
  • renewability of the material the glue was manufactured from
PVA is nontoxic to humans however it does release toxic fumes if burned. PVA is biodegradable. PVA glue is a synthetic polymer manufactured from products generated by the petrochemical industry.-Posted (2015) Glue - the sustainable designers quick guide. Available at: (Accessed: 7 November 2016).

Paper-With the improvement in technology and the advent of the printing press and the mechanical harvesting of wood, disposable paper became more affordable for the average consumer. This resulted in a drastic increase in consumption and of course, waste – which all contributed to Paper Pollution. It is estimated that 40% of the waste in the U.S. is paper.

Cotton thread-On a small scale the environmental impact of thread is very little, although within the textile

Acetate-One of the positive characteristics of plastic is the fact that it is durable. Unfortunately, this is not a positive characteristic when it comes to the environment. The fact that plastic is durable means it degrades slowly. In addition, burning plastic can sometimes result in toxic fumes.-The environment impact of plastics - environmental impact of plastic products (2016) Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2016).

Stickers-In a nutshell, PVC plastic is uniquely toxic among plastics because of its highly toxic ingredients which readily migrate into the environment during its production, its use, and its disposal.-


From conducting this research it is evident that some factors in which have been used to build this book are highly dangerous to the environment. As a solution to this I propose that if the book was to be mass produced alternative methods may be used. Further research has been par-taken to express this.

Paper used will be from GF Smith, a company in which focuses upon the replanting of trees, a factor in which was highlighted to me when discussing work with a student who is involved with environmental packaging.

Book cloth will be used only from an ethical source, in which works with the communities in which pick the cotton.

Only eco friendly acetate will be used. "Biodegradable Acetate film and sheet from Grafix® is a cast cellulose acetate polymer film. If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly plastic material, Grafix Acetate is the right material for you! Cellulose Acetate based film has been an industry standard in graphic arts, packaging, printing, overlays, and many other applications for over 50 years. Now certified as 100% compostable, Grafix Acetate film is ideal for a range of applications where a low environmental impact material is required."-Plastics, G. (2007) Biodegradable plastic film and sheeting from Grafix plastics. Available at: (Accessed: 8 November 2016).

Within industry heating can be used in order to secure acetate together, this being a far more eco friendly approach than that of stickers.

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