Wednesday 30 November 2016

Layout-before wireframes and crit

Before wireframes can be explored a visual identity must be created for the app in order to gain a stance upon the design layout. It is important to explore with different layouts first in order to gain a design perspective in which does not differ too far from the original app but express a fresh and innovative design. As multiple people already use the app certain design elements should remain the same ie typography.

The ways in which the app may be formulated were explored alongside multiple layout formats. It was decided that the information had to be clear, bold, and easy to select. The consumer must also be able to see the information directly and not have to search through burger bars etc. This being highly important as it was suggested by a peer that a burger bar deters consumers as they have to actively search harder for information. It was also suggested that information should be expressed throughout a similar pattern on each page. 

Extra elements were also designed, in an instance whereby the three components of the app are not used, and only certain aspects are. It is important to complete this as consumers may use the card aspect but not the ID for example. 

When discussing transitions with my peers it was stated that pages should be developed incase certain elements of the app don't work, for example if a password is forgotten. This therefore ensures that the consumers feel comfortable with the app, and its security. It was also discussed that information appears far more relevant when it is expressed over an entire spread and thus this will be embedded further. It was also suggested that squares with curved edges appear more friendly than squares themselves. It was also suggested that an extra card holder should be put in place for any other cards. Although this idea seems good, I believe that it would be incredibly difficult for a company to open a digital space when the contents is unknown. This would also leave naming and security details at risk. 

Visual representation of transitions/layouts

In order to effectively tackle the way in which the app will work/look a diagram was developed. This appears somewhat similar to an visual representation of a sitemap. Using transitions the app works effectively, with added elements being in place for when certain elements of the app do not work. Transitions were explored, allowing the consumer to get to previous and the landing page easily. The layout of the app is also repeated and thus the general set up is not overly difficult.

When developing layouts a constant style has been used, this is to ensure that relevant information easy to find, bars are also placed within a similar situation in order to express similarity. Links to other websites may be used. 

When discussing this design with my peers it was suggested that other situations should be designed for, ie if a security risk has been breached. It was also stated that it is good that the general set up has been tackled in this way and that a similar everyday format has been expressed. 

These designs express the ways in which the homepage will appear if only certain elements of the app are used, and how hierarchy will appear. This was expressed for only one app, and two apps in action. This therefore expressing an real app aspect to the design. 

Designs have also been expressed for the everyday usage of the app. From this only 3 layouts are needed, a factor in which is fast and effective. The final layout is also a completion and thus appears after the method, effectively expressing the payment through two clicks.  

When discussing this with my peers it was suggested how the app would become apparent within the task bar, and thus was suggested that in a certain elements of the app this should be clearly displayed. This information will be expressed in the wireframes. 

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