Tuesday 22 November 2016

Production of the App



All websites are built from coded languages, the language depending upon the formatting of the website. HTML/CSS are used for that of the visual recordings of a website. For a device to work it must have an HTML as otherwise no visuals will appear.

Image and typography 

When developing design for screen images are expressed at that of a 72 dpi, as larger pixel images often take longer to load. With the consumer only having a 2.6 second waiting capacity for apps to load, it is frequent that if information is not expressed immediately then the browser will not be used, with the consumer finding an alternative. 

Type on a screen format is measured within pixels. 

Along with the disability act it is illegal to develop a website in which cannot be accessible for individuals who have disabilities. This is important when considering typography. 

Type is not installed on a website, only a computer and thus it is important to use a typeface in which can be collectively expressed. 

If you create a typographical composition uploaded as a jpg this would be illegal, as type must be used in order for it to be accessible to all. 

Obviously more fonts are used than that of the generic computer software ones, by using that of google fonts. This then allowing any typeface to be installed to your website. One limitation to this is that a royalty free typeface must be used. With websites such as da font type is often free for print based work but not for that of websites. This must be a factor in which is widely considered when developing the app. Otherwise heavy license fees may apply. 


Every element of a website must be opened/closed. 

<p> - Open
</p> -Closed

Applying this 

As my product will be expressed within an app the coding system IOS will be used in which focuses upon Apple devices. 

The device in which the product is expressed also arrises key factors in which must be considered:
-Button size
-Hamburger icon

The hamburger icon makes the way in which apps are expressed much cleaner, also a recent case study by Facebook suggests that user are less likely to use certain applications if they are not initially viewable. This must be considered within the production of the app. 

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