Thursday 17 November 2016

Book cover design theory

The main reason behind a book cover is that to generate excitement between the product and consumer, therefore enigmas are highly relevant. The genre should be clearly presented upon the cover, the scope of the book should appear apparent. Minimalistic styles are highly important as it allows you to focus upon the title and authors name.

What is the book's single-minded value proposition? 

To appeal to that of a niche audience in which is interested within real life murder stories, or this incident precisely.

What is the target audience of readers looking for? Inspiration and Aspiration, Success and Achievement, Knowledge and Power, Romance and Passion, Murder and Revenge?

The audience is looking for knowledge upon an iconic murder case. The killers have been found and thus this book is a re-telling of events rather than a cliff-hanger. The consumer reads this form of book as a form of escapism from their 'placid' lives. 

Visual metaphors that determine the imagery, choice of color palette, typography, and layout?

Key factors should be expressed through the aesthetic of the book, and thus murder should be clearly represented. 

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