Friday 25 November 2016

Invisible type-concept one

 Focusing upon the invisible type approach, CAD was explored in order to complete type in which appeared to fade. This also embedding the passing of time since the event, and the crime simply fading into history.

As my knowledge of Photoshop is limited research was undergone in order to tackle this. From this a drop shadow approach was taken.

Colour was firstly explored, with the focus being on expressing the 'invisible' concept. Although the white approach expressed this most clearly, the red approach attempted to express the brutality of the murder alongside this.

When asking one of my peers for feedback she suggested that the white approach was far too simple, and would only work effectively if embossed.

The shadow was then manipulated in order to express a design in which contained both elements. Colour was explored with a deeper red appearing the best, both aesthetically and contextually. 
The contextual reason being that Truman originally altered the original book designs colour in order to express the blood as 'old' blood. A deeper red expressing the passing of time since the event and the book's publish. 

 Typefaces were explored with a large presence being upon that of American typefaces. Helvetica was explored (being developed in the year of the book's publish) but its modernist style did not feel suiting to the genre of the book.

American typewriter was explored, as the original method of recording events was expressed upon a typewriter.

The type was then placed within a book cover format in order to view how it would appear contextually. Although I like the concept of this book cover, I believe that the aesthetics do not appear powerful and thus wouldn't be selected by the judges. A white book cover is also a factor in which is largely disliked by book designers.

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