Saturday 19 November 2016

Target audience for user interface

Technology is a key part of the ways in which young people live their lives. With apps like Uber and Just Eat being widely used by a younger audience. As your people are also more likely to invest themselves within a new product, it has been decided that an audience of 20-30 year olds will be targeted.


1) Authentic Content Empowers Them

According to AdAge, Millennials are spending an average of 25 hours per week online – and they’re craving content-driven media. They’re scouring websites, blogs, and social media because they feel empowered by all of the remarkable content they’re discovering. They’re also sharing, liking, pinning, tweeting, snapping, forwarding, and commenting on all of their findings to impart this sense of empowerment to the online community. So, what makes this type of content really resonate with this group? Millennials trust what they feel is authentic.

Interacting in a user-centric environment is what engages them, as 43 percent of Millennials rank authenticity over content when consuming news. Today, young shoppers’ attitudes and behavior are largely inspired by people they know in person or online, or even strangers who share their interests on social networks. Millennials carry these “advisors” with them on their smartphones and everywhere they go. They trust relevant, authentic opinions from real product users they can relate to. In fact, 84 percent of Millennials say user-generated content has at least some influence on what they buy, and 73 percent say it’s important to read others’ opinions before purchasing.


Millennials are the largest generation in Western history. As of 2012, it is estimated that there are approximately 80 million U.S. Millennials and 14.6 million Millennials in the UK 

Millennials clearly adapt faster to computer and internet services because they have always had them.
global study of Millennials conducted by Telefonica in 2014  reveals that mobile technology is important to Millennials across the board, and it’s not all for fun and games. In addition to entertaining themselves and keeping up with social contacts, 46 percent of US Millennials and more than 60 percent of Latin Millennials said they use their devices for research and education.
When it comes to health, social, economical and environmental issues, Millennials are the most conscious generation to date.
Millennials are often referred to as conscious capitalists, which means that they look up  to businesses that serve the interests of all major stakeholders—customers, employees, investors, communities, suppliers, and the environment.
Millennials excel at juggling several tasks at once since this an efficient and practical use of their time.
Multi-tasking can enable them to accelerate their learning by permitting them to accomplish more than one task at the same time. They do want to use their time most efficiently and multitasking offers them more options. For example, a student may download and listen to a lecture while doing his/her laundry or exercising.
Millennials are impatient “We Want It Now” generation. We are the products of our society – we are bombarded with more than 5,000 marketing messages a day and as a result can’t hold attention for more than 8 seconds.

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