Monday 21 November 2016

Passcode vs Fingerprint

When configuring the security methods of the app one key feature became apparent, the usage of a passcode or fingerprint. In some instances the two are required, a factor in which leaves the click count being very high. In order to eliminate this the safest method must be used. With the wallet app only the unlocking of the mechanism is required, as the app is deemed very secure this may be a factor in which I will consider.

So Passcode or Fingerprint?

The trouble with passwords

Having a long random password is good advice. It provides a measure of security for guarding access to important information, such as your online banking account.

Unfortunately, when faced with having to remember several random fifteen character passwords (characters being A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 and an assortment of other printable characters such as ! @ # $ and %), most users apply a judgement to the value of the information protected by the password and act accordingly.

Some accounts may have a relatively weak password, because of the cost of undue information leakage or harm to the owner if the account is compromised. Other accounts might have a stronger password, because users don't want their money siphoned off by a cyber-criminal. These are judgements about the perceived value of the information.

Advantages of Fingerprint Scanner:

1. Lock/unlock devices and apps without needing to remember the passwords.

2.Even if you age or get sick or are unable to recollect things, your fingerprint stays intact as your identity and can never be misplaced or taken away from you.

3. Easier, cheaper and faster to setup.

4. Not just this, online transactions become way more convenient when all you need is to tap the screen with that finger of your's, for maybe a fraction of seconds.

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