Saturday 19 November 2016

In cold blood-cad mock ups

From the drawings, CAD approaches began to be made in which explored various aspects of the book's plot. One key aspect in which was credential to the case was that of the 'invisible' footprint. In order to express this further type was explored in a manner in which attempted to fade/ be partly invisible. A few mock ups of typography stills can be seen above.

Following the concept of the footprint, a boots sole pattern was analysed in which then became part of a sequined pattern, this being expressed above. A cool, mud based colour palette was derived in order to foreshadow the placement of the footprint within the investigation. 

Further design was developed as a first draft in order to visualise the key components of the book. Although following the pattern, this book does not appear as if to be developed in a format in which is suitable to the genre. The colour palette also appears very 70's, a factor in which would not apply to the book, and make it contextually inaccurate. 

Another idea was that of true encounters being a main aspect, as although an 'real life' story,only the people involved honestly know the truth. This being the family and killers, therefore 6 pairs of eyes have been expressed in order to denote this. Dark red has also been used in order to express death, and the passing of time since the event till now. Although unique the style of this piece is very immature and does not display the accuracy of the book and therefore another interpretation of the concept must be made. This is also relevant to 


When discussing my design ideas and mockups with my fellow peers a range of feedback was given upon how to solve these problems, further ideas were also given in which are expressed below:

  • For sole pattern focus on a darker brown colour palette as this would resemble the mud more clearly.
  • The first idea is far too ambiguous and thus connects closer to the plot must be made.
  • A more lifelike approach could be made within the second attempt in order to embed reality into the concept. 
  • The invisible approach should be explored further as the concept is strong, this may also express the murders fading into history.  
  • Explore further ideas-dont rush to an end product.

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