Thursday 17 November 2016

Previous winners

Type and illustration based, this design explores a two tone colour palette in which is highly effective. The illustration is minimal and focuses upon a key aspect of the book, although an enigma is derived due to its open nature. Typography has been used in an effective manner-one key aspect of the brief, and thus some form of typographical component should be involved within my book's cover. The design of the book's cover is very informal, and thus it is easy to suggest that it is for a fiction novel. 

Using a serif typeface in an structured style, it is easy to suggest that this book cover explores an non-fiction format. The faded type appears timeless, suggesting the book to foreshadow a certain type period. A highlighted approach has been used in order to outline the word women, with pink being used in order to symbolise this. A factor in which contradicts the meaning of the book, developing that of a juxtaposition.

What can I take from these book covers:

  • The genre of the book should be reflected in its aesthetic
  • Simple isn't always best, with some more vibrant book covers gaining more attention. 
  • Purely typographical approaches can be highly effective.
  • The front cover should outline an expect of the book. 
  • Spines must be considered. 

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