Wednesday 30 November 2016

Sight map

This sitemap has been developed in order to express the amount of transitions within the app and how this is routed to the consumer. Multiple approaches have been explored, including sitemaps in which express 'before set up' and 'after set up' rules. The app has been condensed in the most simple way in order to limit click counts and time. This works most successfully after the app has been set it.

When discussing this with peers it was suggested that the app should express a repeated pattern in order to link the designs back to the home page. This was then completed and expressed below.

This design explores a way in which the app may use limited transitions in order to get to one aspect of the app from another. The information should also be easily reversed. Two different ideas have been expressed 'before' and 'after' set up, this is in order to make the application  easier to use, and for the click count to be limited. To ensure further security, the app also would get you to ring the bank to confirm your card, and to use the Gov. website to check the validity of your licence. Using this design to help me, initial layouts will now be developed. 

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