Sunday 13 November 2016

Responsive-Already existing covers

  • Newspaper aspect-large news at the time.
  • Positioned vertically in order to express a more visually engaging approach. 

  • Blood aspect-gruesome
  • Serif-respectable-real life  

  • Photographical aspect-appears more life like.
  • Black and white-serious.

  • Simplistic/typographical-serious nature.

  • Illustrative approach-does not appear realistic.
  • Red connotes danger/blood.

  • Blue expresses cold nature-may relate to the title. 
  • Empty landscape-eerie

  • Real imagery-express the reality behind the story
  • Blood splatters-easily connotes death
  • red type expresses this further

  • Red blood splatters express the gruesome nature. 
  • Typographical approach

From looking at these covers it is clearly apparent that certain elements are consistent throughout. Themes that appear apparent are that of blood splatters, as almost every book cover contains this element. Photographical pieces work well as they effectively state that this book is based upon true events, whereas the illustrative style appears far more fictional. One book that stands out to me within this collection is that containing the landscape, as it expresses a bleak, eerie setting.

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